Spring Thoughts

It is well and truely spring now. Hay fever has set in and after a mild winter, thoughts of outdoor activities and projects are bouncing around inside my head.

I do like living in a place that has four seasons and the way you can use them to improve a lifestyle. I've come to the conclusion that June, July and part of August are good times to live nocturnally. As spring has sprung, I am enjoying being awake during the day, getting the lawn looking good, planning the section landscape. We have planted Lavender, the first thing we have added since being in the house. Up until now, all of the gardening has involved removing things, basically getting the section to a blank canvas. It is good to be finally starting to put something back together on it, even if it is only a minuscule start. I have pretty firm ideas on how the layout will be for just about the whole section now.

After walking around town while on holiday, I have felt a lot healthier. It would be good not to rely on the car, but it is not practical while working outside of walking distance, particularly with it being shift work. I need to remain conscious of walking when possible, rather than using the car.

I guess the one advantage of doing random shift work is that it allows you to become familiar with being conscious during all hours of the day and night, throughout the seasons.

Having decided to bring the boat home, I still have a lot to do, to see if it is a practical proposition. Power lines being the biggest obsticle at the moment. I'm sure the boat would get more use here at home than it currently gets in the water though. It seems such a shame to have put so much effort into doing it up, and now it just languishes.

I'm thinking more about how I want to renovate the house, but of course it is not worth doing anything until we get it repiled, which is probably still about three years away from happening.
