What a month it's been so far. As usual for a March, I have become over fatigued from work. It seems to be a combination of the shortening days and an even greater degree of yo-yo shifts as we enter full on peak season, not to mention the fact that I hadn't taken any time off for six months.
I have now had a week off work, so am feeling much better with the rest and regular sleep gained from it. I don't think people who even work standard shift work understand how fatigued those of us who work the random shift patterns that my place of work get.
Any way back to what's been happening. A few weeks ago I built a new computer. I never realised how easy it is to build one yourself. The benefits are that you end up with what you want and it is cheaper than buying one. Since then I have taken the week off, which as well as gaining some much needed rest, I have re-developed my man cave, installed all the software I need for multi-media production and given most of it a test run. First some photo's of the new man space:

And a screen shot of video editing on the dual screen setup

And here is the first video edit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KW8MXanI11w And here is my first experiment with sound production on the new setup:
First test of the recording studio side. {need to add export.mp3}
All in all I'm pretty happy with the results. With a bit more tinkering, I think I can produce stuff of an equal quality on this very cheap system (comparitively) to a standard commercial setup.