It's been awhile since I posted here. It happens. Generally it means I have either been flat stick at work, doing a stint of yo-yo shifts, not doing anything exciting, or a combination there of. In this case it has been a combination of working flat out, with yo-yo shifts, entering winter, and simply not having the energy at this time of year.
That said, I have been thinking and developing ideas. But before I start with that, I have also finished a my main annual goal of assembling an audio visual production studio. The down side, is that I haven't had the opportunity to do anything with it yet. But here is a test run of how most of it works together.
So what ideas have I been thinking about? Well this time it is boats. I am trying to figure out how to bring my boat home and put it in the back yard.

At this point I think it will be a two crane operation at the home end, but still need to get a crane driver here to assess the situation. I think I will get the most use out of this boat if it is at home on dry land.
For boats to actually be used on water, I have three different types in mind, which I will cover at a later date. But at this point I will say that none involve having engines. and all will be much smaller than my current boat. They will also be self righting, and possibly all have full reserve bouyancy if the hull is breached.
In Linux news, I am starting to lean more towards Debian stable, with backports as my prefered distribution. I'm almost at the level of being capable of using it for what I currently use Ubuntu LTS for and it does seem even more stable. I'm currently sticking with Ubuntu LTS as my main distro, but am working with Debian more and more on a seperate partition, within the same computer.