These photo's were taken around three weeks ago, when I was in Colorado Springs.

Everyone should have a second home, right? This is mine. I just recently purchased this fixer-upper, with the intention of doing it up.
This is starting to get a bit to regular for my liking. I'm not certain, but I think this is the third time this has happened now. More disturbingly, is that I think it is the second time this year, where I have been unable to go to work ...
read moreAs my experience with Linux develops. The way I view it, and use it evolves. When I first started using Linux, it was as much for the novelty factor as anything. I liked the idea that it was free, and had a range of software that cost nothing to install ...
read moreThis year we didn't have the usual winds, so as the leaves changed colour, they remained on the trees for a change.
In the last few weeks, I have been building an electric bike, to use for commuting to work. What this means is less reliance on a car and should also mean lower running costs for the car.
I've used the bike for getting to work over the last three ...
read moreUp until now we haven't had any pets, but this has now changed, since we picked up George today. George is a Venus Flytrap, who will hopefully catch the occasional insect or arachnid as he sits in the kitchen window.
read moreThere has been some interesting debate on my local Linux users mailing list in the past few days. Just added my bit to the conversation, and thought I would re-post it here:
It is with interest that I have been reading the debate on Unity and open source software recently ...
read moreHere is another track, originally recorded on a macbook with Cubase, and now remastered in Linux. Below is a choice of .mp3 or .ogg formats.
Over the Sea MP3
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Over ...
read moreBefore I started using Linux, I did some recording on a Macbook, with Cubase. I like the Cubase interface, in particular the parametric EQ, it just seems logical. However I always felt it left me just a little short on performance. Whether that was the software itself, the hardware I ...
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